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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Powerful solar storms have been ineffective

According to the observations of researchers from magnetic observatories in Tihany, Hungary, the indicators used by scientists to assess the disturbances that occur in the Earth's magnetosphere as a result of solar storms, proved ineffective in detecting some of this kind of events that threatened as power and communication systems on the planet.
Magnetic Observatory in registered powerful solar storm, while other observatories in the world that the storm did not notice. The most accurate indicators of Dst and SYM-H, currently used for the detection of solar storms, are based on averaging the data obtained using several different observatories located in different parts of the world.

However, these figures have not helped the researchers found a strong solar storm that occurred October 29, 2003 this solar storm caused a fire several transformers in power plants in Sweden and South Africa. Currently, a team of researchers from the University of Alcala, Spain, analyzed the shortcomings of indices Dst and SYM-H, led to the inability to detect them with this powerful solar storm.
According to the researchers, the main problem, which reduces the effectiveness of these indicators, is averaging measurement data at multiple locations in different parts of the globe observatory, resulting in positive and negative magnetic disturbances are leveled, and the true magnetic field perturbation falsely recorded as zero. To solve the problem, researchers propose to use the detection of solar storms local indicators, one of which was designed by the authors of latitude for Spain.

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