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Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Earth's Climate Reverses to Prehistoric Times


Climate change caused by global warming is on the brink of disaster. Experts warn that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will soon be higher than at any time in human history over the past 3.3 million years.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Iran fires missiles at multiple U.S. positions in Iraq in retaliation for Soleimani killing

Iran fires rockets at numerous U.S. positions in Iraq in counter for Soleimani slaughtering.  Iran propelled assaults on U.S. army installations in Iraq on Tuesday evening in obvious counter for the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, which was requested by President Trump.
As indicated by an announcement from the Department of Defense, the assaults started at around 5:30 p.m. EST.

Friday, January 19, 2018

America Needs A Healthcare System Built For Care, Not Profit

As competently as making Americans healthier, Medicare for All would regulate our concord of what we can and should demand of our society.

The United States pays just just about three times per capita what the average developed nation pays for healthcare, still of those countries we have one of the lowest liveliness expectancies, the highest maternal and infant mortality rates, and an astonishingly high number of deaths from preventable diseases.

In supplement, concerning 30 million people are uninsured, other 30 million are underinsured, and the perch of us bear increasingly skinny support once unaffordable premiums, deductibles, and copays.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Russian church history

Ancient tradition recorded in the Russian Chronicle, said that the beginning of Christianity in Russia is necessary in the days of the Apostles the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called: passing a sermon the Gospel Thrace, Scythian and Samarian, it reached as if to Dnepr hills, where after there was Kiev, blessed and they predicted that they shine the grace of God hath Valrico be alone and the Church, many hath God to raise up.

Monday, November 2, 2015

History of French

The franc is modern belongs to the group of languages ​​called romance. Descendants of Latin, arguably these languages ​​represent living shadows of the ancient Roman empire, reflecting the divergent histories of regions formerly unified under Roman rule.

The origin of modern French (and other Romance languages) spoken version was a popular Latin that had spread by conquering Roman legions - namely, in the case of the French, in the Alpine Gaul by the armies of Julius Caesar during the previous century the birth of Christ.

Mahatma Gandhi

Perhaps future generations will not believe that a man of ordinary flesh and blood walked on this earth, - said Albert Einstein about Mahatma Gandhi. History really knows a lot of people who could change the world. But few of them carried the spirit, so foreign kingdom in this world that seemed alien from another world.

The first half of the XX century ... Instead, the kingdom of reason, freedom and justice, which people were waiting for the XIX century., An era of unprecedented violence and powerlessness.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Powerful solar storms have been ineffective

According to the observations of researchers from magnetic observatories in Tihany, Hungary, the indicators used by scientists to assess the disturbances that occur in the Earth's magnetosphere as a result of solar storms, proved ineffective in detecting some of this kind of events that threatened as power and communication systems on the planet.
Magnetic Observatory in registered powerful solar storm, while other observatories in the world that the storm did not notice. The most accurate indicators of Dst and SYM-H, currently used for the detection of solar storms, are based on averaging the data obtained using several different observatories located in different parts of the world.

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