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Showing posts with label Corona Various. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corona Various. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Corona: Experts Fear An Increase In Diseases In Children

The spread of the British corona virus mutation B.1.1.7 could also bring children and adolescents back to the fore: Experts fear that more young people will now become ill and will also be confronted with more severe courses.

So far, the elderly and people with certain pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure have been affected by severe Covid-19 courses, while younger people have hardly appeared at risk. The German pediatricians use a population register to monitor how many children have severe Covid-19 disease. So far, only a few children have become seriously ill and have to be treated in the clinic. Children with previous illnesses have a higher risk of a severe course. Up until now, kindergarten and primary school children have fallen ill less often than infants and older children. In adolescents, the risk approaches that of adults with increasing age.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Corona: Artificial Intelligence Recognizes Covid-19


This is what the future could look like: speak into your cell phone and shortly thereafter come the diagnosis: Covid-19, yes or no. Augsburg researchers have used artificial intelligence to develop a corresponding smartphone app.

Even at the beginning of the corona pandemic, researchers suspected that the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus would be betrayed by the voice - because since the Covid-19 disease caused by the virus is primarily a respiratory disease, the voice must also to be affected. Experienced doctors can often draw conclusions about a disease based on their voice, breath and cough, for example whooping cough or asthma. With many diseases, however, voice changes are barely audible - it is beyond human ability to perceive them.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Corona Immunity: How Long do Infection and Vaccination Protect?

Through vaccinations, but also through surviving infections, people develop immunity against the corona virus. But how good is it actually and how long does it last?

SARS-CoV-2 has kept the world in suspense for over a year. Other viruses are also highly contagious and dangerous, but this virus was completely new to mankind. And this is exactly where the problem lies: all over the world, people have been naive to the virus. This means that not a single immune system had an answer to this attacker and anyone who came into contact with the virus could also get sick and pass the virus on. That is the only reason why the pandemic was able to develop as we have experienced in recent months.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

What are the new symptoms of corona virus (India) and why this wave is more dangerous?

The second wave of Corona in the country is not taking the name of stoppage. The number of new cases is increasing daily. On Thursday, the number of active cases crossed 20.91 lakhs. Many states have imposed restrictions to prevent corona from growing. The central and state governments are preparing a new strategy to deal with the situation. Many states have resorted to partial ban and night curfew, so testing and tracing is being emphasized in many places. In such a situation, many serious questions are in the mind of the second wave of Corona. Know their answers:

1. How the second wave of corona virus occurred in India? The discovery of new strains of Corona and the negligence of the people have served to increase the spread of this epidemic in the country. According to the Ministry of Health, the new virus is spreading very fast and in this context, the next four weeks are very important.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Yesterday Corona Record In India

For the first time, a record 2.20 lakh people recovered in a day, 3.45 lakh new patients were found and 2,620 died.

After a long time, there is news of relief for all of us. The speed of recovery of corona patients in the country has increased by 111.20% within a day. On Friday, a record 2 lakh 20 thousand 382 people have been recovered within 24 hours. This is the largest figure in the world of patients recovering within a day so far. Earlier, a record 1 lakh 98 thousand 180 people got cured in one day on Thursday. On Wednesday, 1.92 lakh people were recovered.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Global Growth Could Be Halved


The downward trend in some stock exchanges has already indicated: If the corona virus continues to spread, it could leave clear marks on the global economy. In Germany, the worries are still limited.

The coronavirus epidemic could put the global economy in a bad position this year. According to estimates by the industrialized nation’s organization OECD, the growth expected for 2020 could halve if the virus continues to spread in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and North America. This would mean the rate would only be plus one and a half percent.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Doctors Learned To Diagnose Coronavirus in The Early Stages


One of the experts said that a new growth of infected will happen with the coming of the school year. Re-wave can be avoided with the help of healthcare professionals, as they have all the necessary tools to do this. This forecast was announced, who assistant director for strategic initiatives.

Monday, August 24, 2020

How to Protect Your Child from Coronavirus

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and scientists have argued that children are easier to tolerate coronavirus infection and are less likely to face complications. Indeed, this is confirmed by statistics. But there is one clarification. Over time, it turned out that babies under the age of 1 year are more difficult to tolerate the disease than expected. In any case, the risk is not worth it, regardless of the age of the child. And it makes sense to carefully consider the basic principles of protecting children from coronavirus.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Prevent corona virus: How to protect yourself against the corona virus

Around 64,600 people in Germany are now infected with the corona virus (as of March 31, 2020). In view of the increasing number of corona cases, the federal government aims to slow the outbreak. Here you can find out which measures you can take to protect yourself.
The three important protection tips
ü  Frequent and thorough washing of hands is the best protection. If you can't wash your hands, use a disinfectant gel.
ü  Keep one to two meters away from people with flu symptoms.
ü  Correct etiquette: Sneeze into the crook of your arm or a disposable handkerchief, turning away from other people (then throw away the disposable handkerchief).
Also good to know:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Stay At Home Because Of Corona: What Can My Children Do?

Nationwide schools and day care centers were closed, more and more public facilities are being closed, people are advised to stay at home if possible. The idea behind it: The less contact people have with each other, the less the risk of the virus Sars-CoV-2 spreading further.
Parents face the current situation with a double challenge: in addition to the fear of infection, they also have to deal with the question of how they keep their children busy in this corona-free time. Here you can find out how to motivate your children to learn in school-free. But in addition to the challenge of motivating the children at school, there is also the question of how the children can best deal during these many free times.

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