The main rules of a healthy
lifestyle are simple and can be counted on the fingers of one hand. From
nutrition to movement, here's how to behave to live long and healthy
The fundamental points for a
healthy lifestyle, which allows you to feel good for as long as possible, are
within everyone's reach, even if we often forget it…
1. Drink about two liters of plain water per day
Water is an essential constituent
of the organism and is present in greater quantities. It is indispensable for
all physiological processes and biochemical reactions of the body. It is also
the means by which the body eliminates waste and is important for regulating
body temperature.
There is not a single processor
system within our body that is not dependent on water; it is therefore easy to
understand how the balance of the water balance is fundamental for feeling
good. In order to guarantee the right amount of water for the body, you should
drink about two liters of natural water a day, taking it frequently and in
small quantities.
2. Eat
lots of seasonal fruit and vegetables
Fruit and vegetable products have
a well-documented antioxidant action and are rich in vitamins, minerals and
other substances essential for the body. Numerous studies have shown that a
diet rich in plant foods protects against the appearance of very common
pathologies, especially in developed countries: cardiovascular diseases, some
forms of cancer, and pathologies of the digestive system and even respiratory
and cataract disorders.
The consumption of adequate
quantities of fruit and vegetables ensures an adequate supply of nutrients to
the body and , at the same time, allows you to reduce the calories taken in the
diet both because the fats and sugars of the vegetables are limited and because
these foods have a high satiating power. A healthy lifestyle cannot therefore
ignore a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, preferably in season.
3. Moderate
fats, especially saturated ones
Fats are essential for the body
but you don't have to overdo it; it is also essential to choose good quality
fats. The amount of fat that ensures good health varies from person to person ;
indicatively, however, in the diet of a sedentary adult subject the fats should
bring about 20-25% of the total daily calories, while in a very sporty subject
it can reach up to 35%.
What matters, however, is not
only the caloric value of a fat, but also the quality. Butter, for example, in
the same quantity contains less fat than olive oil but provides a much higher
quantity of saturated fat, moreover olive oil does not contain cholesterol
while on 100 grams of butter there are 25 mg of cholesterol.
4. Moderate
your sugar intake
Sugars are essential nutrients
but, even in this case, you shouldn't overdo it. At the basis of a healthy diet
there is a balanced share of carbohydrates.
The sugars, of course, are not
only those we add to sweeten, but also all those naturally contained in food. Milk,
for example, already contains a sugar, lactose, so it is not a good habit to
sweeten it further with other sugars.
5. Moderate
salt consumption
A high consumption of salt can
favor an increase in blood pressure, especially in predisposed subjects. In
addition, high sodium levels increase the risk of developing certain
cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases and tumors of the stomach o; it is
also believed that it may cause an increased risk of osteoporosis. According to
recent studies, a consumption of salt just under 6 grams, corresponding to
about 2.4 grams of sodium, represents a good compromise between the needs of
taste and the prevention of risks related to excess sodium .
But be careful of the hidden sodium,
which is naturally present in food, because it also contributes to the maximum
daily quota.
6. Don't smoke
Tobacco consumption damages many
organs and systems and is the cause of numerous serious and disabling pathologies.
It causes serious respiratory problems and is closely related to numerous
diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, 85% of lung cancers and 30%
of all cancers are attributable to smoking.
7. Limit your alcohol consumption
A good glass of wine with meals,
perhaps not every day, is fine and can be a pleasure. Exaggerating with alcohol,
however, is extremely dangerous to health. To prevent alcohol from damaging the
body, the recommended quantities should not be exceeded: an adult man should
never exceed two-three alcoholic units per day, while the woman should not
exceed one-two.
Furthermore, in the context of a
healthy lifestyle, the caloric value of alcohol should not be underestimated.
For example, a 125 ml glass of wine represents an alcoholic unit and contains
about 90 calories.
8. Move!
A healthy lifestyle requires at
least 30 minutes of movement per day ; does not mean that you have to go to the
gym every day but that, in everyday life, you need to plan to move at least for
thirty consecutive minutes, for example going to work on foot or by bicycle
(when possible). It is also important to carve out, at least two or three times
a week, an hour to devote to physical activity appropriate to your general
state of health.
9. Check your body weight
Overweight and obesity are the
basis of many serious diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The most dangerous fat is visceral fat , that is, localized in the abdomen
area. If you respect all the rules just described, overweight is almost
certainly not your problem. However, it is always advisable to keep the balance
and bacon under control to avoid accumulating extra pounds that could be
harmful to health.
10. Get enough sleep
The ideal sleep of an adult
subject lasts seven to eight hours. Not getting enough sleep increases the
level of stress and can contribute to the onset of metabolic problems, with a
consequent increase in the risk of cardiovascular disorders. In addition,
inadequate sleep weakens the immune system and causes memory and concentration problems.
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