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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Disposable Masks: Does The Colored Side Come To The Front Or The White?


Does the white or blue side of a disposable mask belong to the outside? And where do I keep the face mask after wearing it? When it comes to protection against Covid-19, we do not always intuitively do everything right.

Cloth masks, disposable face masks, FFP masks - in order to reduce the risk of infection with the coronavirus, they must be correctly put on, stored and cleaned. Otherwise, they bring more risk than benefit.

There are two sides to the disposable masks you buy - also known as face masks or surgical masks - one white and one blue or green. Which side goes forward is explained by the different layers.

Most disposable masks are made up of three layers:

1.       a waterproof nonwoven layer (colored)

2.       a microfiltration layer (which should prevent saliva droplets from the mask wearer from getting into the environment)

3.       an antibacterial, skin-friendly fabric layer (white)

Blue or white: which side comes forward?

The white side should therefore always point inwards and cover the mouth and nose. The colored side belongs on the outside. Sometimes a wire is worked into the upper side, this is pressed against the nose for a better hold.

For reasons of hygiene, the disposable masks should be disposed of after use. Cloth masks, on the other hand, can be reused if handled correctly and cleaned regularly.

Use everyday masks correctly - this is how it works:

1.       Before putting on the mask, you should wash your hands thoroughly to keep the mask clean. If this is not possible, you can also disinfect your hands.

2.       Then place the mask on your face.

3.       To do this, fix the straps behind your ears or on the back of your head and check whether the mask is tight enough.

4.       The nose, mouth and chin must be covered for the mask to fit properly.

5.       If the mask is soaked, it must be replaced.

6.       You should not touch or move the mask in between.

7.       Before you take off the mask again, you should wash your hands.

8.       When you take off the mask, make sure that you only remove it by the straps. Because there could be pathogens on the outside of the mask.

9.       The mask is only safe if it is cleaned after use. You can wash them at 60 degrees in the washing machine or put them in the oven at 80 to 100 degrees.

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