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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Easy Money Does It Really Exist?

There are many people who are looking for easy money. However, it cannot always be achieved, other times it can and sometimes we can end up very badly. Let's learn a lot more about this topic together in the next article.

It is impossible for me to hear this word and that vagrancy, delinquency, etc. do not come to mind. no offense, is what comes to mind. And it is not that you are such a person, because even I also look for money in the easiest way and I am nothing of the kind.

But I do mention, because start-easy is a serious blog and I want you to know that here we are not going to teach you that kind of super easy money hahaha. So we can say that there are two types of money of this type:

Easy money and its three ways

I want to talk to you about those three types mentioned above, because money exists in an easy way.It does exist! Let's start with the worst bad money!

1- Bad money

It's the one I was talking about at the beginning. Money that is obtained through crime such as money laundering, drug trafficking, price speculation, scams, drug sales, robberies, kidnappings, etc. Although it is true that it is very easy money to obtain, it is not convenient at all.

But why do I say this? because in the business world you see a lot of things my friend. As a serious and responsible entrepreneur, you have to be firm in your principles. It is sad to see businessmen, entrepreneurs falling into crime to start a business or get it out of the crisis. Never use your business as a means of crime, or loan it to a third party to do so. There is nothing better than the clean money that you earn as an entrepreneur.

2- Good and easy money

There is another type of money that is easy to get, but it is good. They usually say that it is obtained by luck. For example, you invested 100 euros in a new cryptocurrency called EF (this is an example), which has a value of 1 euro. In other words, it has 100 EF. And it turns out that in this week or month that currency took on much more value and an EF rose to 1000 euros. In other words, it has 100,000 euros.

Was it money as we say, easy? partly yes, but things like that don't happen every day. Normally, the easier the way to earn money, the more risk. I could also tell you about binary operations and all the like.

There is also another way to make money this way (easy) and that is to bet on the seasons. In other words, on Valentine's Day you invest in products that are sold by that date. It is surely easier to sell than any other type of product. You can do the same in other seasons.

And although it is a good idea to do so, we must accept that it is not a very stable way to generate income, since not every day there will be a date as special as the ones we already know.

3- Money that does not seem easy but it is

This is the best way to have money in some easy way. And it is the one that although it does not seem easy at all, ends up being that way. It is the one in which you try a lot at the beginning, but in the end the result is that you have abundant income and without much effort.

I don't know if you understand me, but I mean starting a serious business. That although to start it is not easy at all, much less to consolidate it, if you persevere and do things well, then that business will be a money machine without you doing anything, because you will have a very solid team.

That is why our blog is called Undertaking-Easy, not because it is always something easy. But the effort, your perseverance ... leads you to have a more comfortable and easy ending. Yesterday I heard a phrase more or less like this: The joys of the beginning and of the journey are not compared to the sadness of the end.

In other words, very easy (bad) money may make you laugh today, tomorrow, a few months and maybe years. But when the end comes, none of that will compare with the consequences you are going to face. But we can say that the opposite happens when we undertake seriously, I would say: The sacrifice, the tears, the discomfort ... of the beginning and the way, do not compare with the joy, success and comfort of the end.

What do I advise you?

That you start your own business now. And that to strengthen and have short-term results you combine it with the good easy money that we shared previously. But I recommend that you undertake in an orderly manner, in order to have more effective results. I even share a video that will bring you something good.

This video personally motivates me a lot. And it is that seeing how an idea can become an entire company or companies, makes us think that we can achieve many things. Don't forget to also create your canvas model to keep the order I mentioned at the beginning. 

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