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Monday, August 24, 2020

How to Protect Your Child from Coronavirus

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and scientists have argued that children are easier to tolerate coronavirus infection and are less likely to face complications. Indeed, this is confirmed by statistics. But there is one clarification. Over time, it turned out that babies under the age of 1 year are more difficult to tolerate the disease than expected. In any case, the risk is not worth it, regardless of the age of the child. And it makes sense to carefully consider the basic principles of protecting children from coronavirus.


Of course, if you follow the general rules of caution. At the same time, it is important to understand that neither an adult nor a baby will be able to provide one hundred percent protection against infection. But there is a real opportunity to minimize risks. To do this, you only need to responsibly follow the basic recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Health. In this case, it is important to take into account the location of the baby. Different rules will work for premises, streets, public places.


If we talk about how to protect children from coronavirus at home, then the recommendations will be the same as for adults. To minimize the likelihood of infection, you must:

Adults themselves wear masks in public places and adhere to social distance, limit the number of contacts. After all, if mom or dad gets sick, then with a high probability they will infect other family members living in the common living space;

After coming from the street, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 30 seconds, disinfect door handles and other items that may contain the virus. It is difficult for kids to explain that something should not be touched, so they can touch an infected surface, after which, for example, scratch their nose or eat something without first washing their hands as expected. And the virus will get to the mucous membranes, where it can begin to actively develop if the local immunity does not resist it;

if possible, disinfect the packages of the products brought in, transfer them to other packages, because a virus may also be present on the packaging material if it has been touched by a sick person before;

During the active spread of the infection, try to minimize the number of guests as much as possible, spend more time at home.

While continuing to understand how to protect a child from coronavirus, do not forget about informing about the danger. This must be done in a form appropriate for the age of the baby. He must understand what not to do, such as touching the front door handles, and why.


First of all, before leaving the house, it is necessary to have a conversation with the baby, during which to explain the rules of behavior on the street. They provide for the following points:

When leaving the house, you must not touch the handrail and the door handle. It's better for an adult to open the door;

Do not press the elevator button. It is better if mom or dad does it, because they understand that you cannot touch your face or something with dirty hands, that they must be disinfected. They can also open a door or press a button using a tissue or other protection so as not to touch the surface with their bare hands;

Do not touch the eyes, nose, and mouth with dirty hands, so as not to infect the mucous membranes;

Do not visit crowded places, for example, playgrounds;

Sneeze, cough into a handkerchief or elbow;

After coming home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Speaking about how to protect children from coronavirus, you need to remember that personal hygiene and limiting social contacts continue to be the main methods of protection.


With the onset of the pandemic, airlines began to thoroughly disinfect aircraft cabins in order to maximize the safety of passengers. And yet, certain risks remain. Therefore, if you are planning a flight with a baby and cannot refuse it, you need to remember the following:

The use of antiseptics - they will help cleanse your hands of potentially dangerous microorganisms;

The use of disinfecting wet wipes is a good means of protection against coronavirus for children, because it is not always possible to wash your hands or apply an antiseptic. It is recommended to use such napkins to wipe armrests, tables, all surfaces surrounding the small passenger, which he can touch;

Use of special washable airplane seat covers. You must knowingly take them with you.

Rules like personal hygiene and social distance continue to work in this case as well. You need to try to communicate less with others, wash your hands more often with soap and water.


Speaking about how to protect an infant from coronavirus, you need to understand that in this situation, all measures must be taken by the parents themselves:

Go out to the entrance as little as possible. As for walking, you can go out with your baby to the balcony. If you decide to go outside, it is better to do this when at the entrance

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