The floret lichen, also known as
the scaly rose, is a special skin disease. According to statistics, this occurs
primarily in young adults and adolescents. The disease itself has two phases,
with the skin changes on the upper body of affected people. These are round and
have a scaly edge.
Unfortunately, it is still very
unclear what causes this disease, which of course also complicates therapy.
Fortunately, there is now the Internet, which can be used as an excellent
source of information for those affected.
What is rose lichen?
As already mentioned, this is a
skin disease. This occurs particularly in young people between 10 and 35 years
of age, although it is not contagious to other people. However, the disease is
acute, and according to experts, it comes to a complete standstill after only
eight weeks and therefore does not spread further.
The primary medallion is often
seen as a characteristic feature. From here the skin disease spreads further.
However, it is a disease that does not have to be treated compulsively. This is
only necessary if there is a strong course with itching on request.
The typical symptoms
This skin disease is rather
symptom-free and therefore not so bad that it is essential to treat it. The
reddened and scaly rash is unpleasant and, above all, visually disturbing, but
itches only slightly if at all, if at all.
Most of the time, the upper body
is affected, so that the rash, if you are dressed, is not visible from the
outside, because the face, hands and feet are usually not affected. However, if
the affected person notices that the rash is also showing on the face, a doctor
should be consulted urgently, who should possibly look for another diagnosis.
Course of the disease floret
As a rule, floret lichen begins
with a primary focus, which is also referred to as a primary medallion or as a
mother plate. The size can approximate that of a coin and can be found
somewhere on the upper body. From a purely visual point of view, the outer edge
is red and scaly, with the center being lighter and described as pale.
Now, in the course of this
disease, further small and oval areas form on the skin. These are red and
scaly. As already mentioned, they usually only appear on the body, and in rare
cases they can also be seen on the legs and arms.
Accompanying symptoms also occur
very rarely, with the individual red areas being slightly itchy. It is a skin
disease that only very rarely affects everyday life.
While the normal illness
disappears after eight weeks, in some cases it can last about three months,
i.e. twelve weeks, or even longer. Unfortunately, there are currently no exact
causes, and there is no possibility of influencing or shortening floret lichen
by special treatment.
Unfortunately, you cannot prevent
this disease or determine the exact cause. There are also no direct treatments
that shorten the course. However, it is possible to get as much information as
possible about possible possibilities and causes and to continue your
In our research, we used this
website about floret lichen as a source and were able to find great and
in-depth information here.
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