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Monday, November 18, 2019

How to Open Your Own TV Channel

People, the newcomer has every chance to enter the market and quickly find his audience. The main thing is to correctly determine what is interesting to people and what topics will be relevant. At first glance, it might seem that it is impossible to go on air today, because there are a huge number of TV channels of completely different subjects. And a significant part of television users prefer to watch the main, main state channels, or rather got used to it, moreover from the Soviet times, however, sooner or later, tired of listening to propaganda, they begin to turn on alternative channels. 
Young people are less and less interested in television, but they are interested in something really interesting, new and unusual. The region of work is also an important factor, because many entrepreneurs are engaged only in local television, which broadcasts within the same region, and sometimes even the city. Very few can cover the whole country or at least a significant part of it; therefore, to start your own business, you can choose a niche that is not occupied by local television and begin to develop your own direction. Further, it is already possible to develop and increase the coverage area, and even if you have sufficient funds to enter a large territory, you should not start immediately with large-scale television if you do not have experience in this field. At first, it’s enough to learn how to maintain, lead and promote your own television channel and after that try to win back part of the audience from major players. At the same time, many television channels became bankrupt in the end, and many remained to occupy their niche, having no desire to claim more. To work, you need to register as a business entity. In this matter, it is often better to formalize a legal entity, and here a limited liability company is suitable, because it makes it possible to use a simplified tax system. This implies a transfer of 6% of revenue or 15% of operating profit. Activities exactly fall within the definition (OKPD 2) 60.2 Television broadcasting services. After the registration, you can begin to obtain licenses to carry out their activities. It must be said right away that for each television channel its own frequencies are allocated, through which broadcasting will take place. Therefore, the organization must receive them, redeem them, but at this stage there may be a difficult, because of which it will be necessary to completely suspend its activities. The fact is that the number of frequencies is limited, and therefore it takes time to develop new ones, and this is sometimes done only upon request. Usually there are much more willing people than free frequencies, and applicants must participate in a competition for their receipt. In small cities this problem usually does not happen, but in cities with a population of more than 200 thousand people, the frequency for broadcasting is issued only by competition. It is clear that getting it sometimes even by legal means is quite difficult (we will not explain why), and it is very desirable for an entrepreneur to have the right acquaintances. In general, everything is in this business, as elsewhere in this country. Therefore, in the first place, the city of work is chosen. Beginning entrepreneurs can even agree with the already working television channels to operate at their frequencies in a certain city on a strictly allotted time, everyone knows that even on the main television channels there is, so to speak, local television time, when a regional company working under the brand of the parent TV channel goes on air. There is almost certainly no such opportunity on all the same main television channels - other companies have used it for a long time, so only less well-known channels should be considered. The main advantage in such work is already a rather big audience, the main disadvantage is the need to work on other people's installations and pay a lot of money for it. In general, this can be compared with work under a franchise agreement; in many cases it is he who concludes it. There is another option - to rent a still free frequency (that is, on which broadcasting does not go through), but already purchased by an organization or a private person. But in this case, you need to rely on very rather large amounts of rent. If it was decided to work exclusively at their own frequencies, then after determining the place, you need to submit applications to the Main Radio Frequency Center for the development of frequencies. Distinguish frequencies of analog and digital broadcasting. At this stage, the HFCS selects frequencies, tests them and checks to see if signals from other structures, primarily military ones, are blocking the signal. After the examination, a conclusion is issued, and it is necessary to immediately distinguish the possibility of broadcasting within this country or around the world; the second is much more complicated, but it is unlikely that a novice entrepreneur will need it. Next, you need to register as an enterprise operating in the field of media. If the work will be conducted (or rather, broadcast) only in the territory of one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, then it is enough to send a petition to the territorial body, but if there are two or more regions, then you already need to contact the main office. Next, licenses are obtained for the above-mentioned broadcasting (this permission is issued only if there are own frequencies) and communication services for broadcasting. Finally, the final stage is obtaining permission to use frequencies, which is issued only according to the results of the examination at the State Reserves Center. As you can understand, this whole procedure is a very long and costly undertaking, you need to go around more than one institution and, most importantly, lose a lot of time waiting for decisions on examination, development and testing. If you do not pass the competition for frequencies, then you can wait for the next such competition for a very long time, and sometimes the term does not go for years, but for tens of years. And what is most unpleasant in this situation for an entrepreneur (who does not have the necessary acquaintances, of course) is that no company can officially help in this matter. Otherwise, all licensing and obtaining permits can be transferred to a third-party company, which is engaged in assistance in obtaining licenses. However, its services can cost a considerable amount, because you also have to pay all duties in addition to the cost of the work itself. However, in most cases, working with a third-party company really eliminates many problems, and an entrepreneur can spend time launching his television studio, and not bypass institutions. Also, such a company gives a much certain guarantee that the issue will be resolved specifically in favor of the customer, while independently you can very long get permissions. In general, everyone chooses for himself a method of obtaining licenses. The following is a search for premises for organizing your own television studio. It is not always necessary to rent a room and purchase equipment; you can contact an already working television studio and agree on work on its territory. In this case, it will be enough to pay rent; however, it will almost certainly be impossible to deploy full-scale work, because the capacities of third-party companies will not be enough to simultaneously serve two enterprises. Own television studio should have a sufficiently large area to accommodate broadcast equipment, as well as, if necessary, to organize premises for filming and staff work. Here, everything, perhaps, depends on the chosen topic of the channel, because not every channel makes reports and interviews, conducts any shootings in the studio and generally needs a large staff of workers and is engaged in extensive activities. Therefore, it can be a small room in which only equipment is located, or a huge television center in which several dozen people work. No television studio can do without special equipment. Enough powerful transmitters and peripherals will be required, to cover a large area you need to install antennas on special towers, and here you need to cooperate with the owners of such towers. Usually on one tower are located transmitters of several companies at once, so you do not have to rent a tower only for yourself. The cost of the equipment itself can be very different, the determining factor can be called the power of the transmitting signal, and the price range can be very large. The cost of the equipment is also affected by the country of manufacture, as well as the brand of equipment. Some companies are engaged in the arrangement of a television studio, which involves not only the supply of equipment, but also its setup, maintenance and selection of devices, depending on the necessary working conditions. In other words, a comprehensive solution to this issue is proposed, and cooperation with such a company can deprive the entrepreneur of many problems. However, it should be borne in mind that a campaign for their services will require a certain amount of money, and it is sometimes more profitable for a businessman to set up the equipment on their own, in any case, the organization will need device maintenance specialists in the future, and therefore such work can be initially transferred to already found employees. Equipment for television broadcasting is quite expensive, so the cost of a complete set is usually tens of thousands of dollars. If possible, you can buy previously used devices, which will significantly reduce the amount of the initial investment. If there is no money to purchase the necessary equipment, you can contact a bank or other credit institution for a loan, but in this case you will have to provide a detailed and promising business plan. An important factor in the success of the channel is a good team that can follow the chosen topics, create something new and can attract an audience. Work in a television studio is inherently a creative process, although in some cases it is just the same simple adherence to the chosen methods of work. The size of the full-time employees is determined by the entrepreneur himself, usually this includes journalists, interviewers, presenters; cameramen, installation specialists, sound engineers and all possible participants in the filming process; a large number of people who are attendants. Also, one should not forget about people who are engaged in marketing, negotiate, and develop transmission concepts. However, theoretically, a team of several people can engage in content development, content transfer and equipment maintenance; in exceptional cases, this can be done generally alone. Often you will have to pay not only to full-time employees, but also to external personnel, as well as people who participate in the shooting, who are interviewed, invited to broadcasts, and involved in other studio activities. The wage fund can become a rather serious monthly expenses item, therefore it is better to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit. Many beginner TV channels tried to follow the path of using a concept already working on another channel. However, this often leads to the fact that the channel becomes uninteresting to its viewers, because it does not offer them anything new. The theme of the channel can attract a large number of viewers to it from the very first days, or vice versa make it absolutely hopeless in terms of development. However, in any case, it will take a lot of effort and money to spend on promoting the TV channel, and here it is necessary to use all the opportunities. Promotion through the Internet can be the most effective; for this, you create your own website and leave information about the TV channel on thematic portals. Today, more and more often television is provided through satellite communications, and for this you can contact the providers of such television to include the new TV channel in its package. This method is quite effective, because the consumer pays for the TV channels in a package, without choosing them individually - hence the constant income, regardless of whether people watch the TV channel. But in any case, a channel with low ratings will sooner or later become uninteresting to any provider. Also in this case, if the channel is included in a paid package, it will often be impossible to play commercials, which may be disadvantageous. On the other hand, as long as the TV channel does not have high ratings, no company will pay large funds for the display of its advertising. In general, the TV channel makes money on this, without advertising it does not have many sources of income. Some hold special lotteries or give the opportunity to send SMS messages that will be broadcast live, more eminent channels are engaged in special parties or events that are already little

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