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Sunday, August 9, 2020

How can Modern Woman Combine Family and Career?

What's more important: family or career? In the modern world, there are not so many women who are ready to sacrifice one or the other and choose only a family or only self-realization in work. If we rely on tradition, then for a man, of course, career is more important, and for a woman - love, motherhood and the creation of home comfort. It was like this before, but nowadays it's not quite like that.

Creative approach to generic attitudes

A modern woman does not need to blindly follow stereotypes imposed by society, and our own subconscious, too. Throughout the 20th century, scientists have had the opportunity to observe the life of several generations of people who were displaced from wild conditions into the modern civilized world, the expert says. - These people, their children and grandchildren received the upbringing and education usual for Europeans. However, scientists discovered something amazing: somehow these people, cut off from their culture, continued to profess the beliefs and beliefs of distant ancestors.

Likewise, modern women and men are trying to adapt to new living conditions and building a family, but at the same time, somewhere deep within their souls they feel tension, conflict with the traditional understanding of their roles. According we all need to learn how to adapt ancient ancestral beliefs to new conditions.

Only by understanding that the experience of our mothers and grandmothers allowed them to survive in difficult times and became a part of our personality as well, only without rejecting it, we will be able to harmoniously adapt to the new conditions of modern life.

Stereotypes of society and the acceleration of the pace of life

Nowadays, in addition to internal attitudes, a woman is also influenced by the clearly overestimated expectations of society: do everything and be successful in everything you do.

Of course, in some ways it has become easier for us to cope with the burden of daily worries than for previous generations. On the one hand, modern women have at their disposal a wide arsenal of various household appliances and smart appliances, which our mothers, and even more so grandmothers, could only dream of. On the other hand, our ancestors had some advantage. In particular, even if they were building a career, they were not always required to keep their finger on the pulse. Today's reality requires constant vigilance and quick decisions. Otherwise, you can simply not keep up with the rhythm of life. After all, if earlier it was relatively measured, now, especially in megacities, it is impetuous. And this moment must be taken into account.

Delegation of tasks, time management and rest

According to Victoria Timofeeva, you cannot give different women the same advice for all how to cope with everything. Here to each his own. If, for example, we talk about time management, then it is easier for someone to plan tasks according to their scale. And someone will focus on their importance and urgency.

In addition, you should correctly assess your strengths and not try to perform feats. For example, excessive perfectionism is not good for anyone: there is no need to try to find the time and energy for daily general cleaning, for preparing food no worse than in a restaurant, for exemplary classes with children. And that's all - after work. Something will have to be waived so that in the end there is no breakdown on all fronts.

Another important point, which, by the way, our mothers and grandmothers used very successfully, is the delegation of authority. At work, you can delegate some tasks to subordinates and colleagues. At home - to distribute some of the affairs between family members, so as not to pull everything alone, says the coach. - And the most important thing: please remember that you need to build affairs and tasks around the rest, and not vice versa. Otherwise, you can get tired very quickly, and then it will take much more strength to recover. This means that any - even the shortest - vacation should also be in your plans. And you can't sacrifice them.

Psychologist also believes that the main secret of the success of a modern woman who wants to do everything is to delegate powers as much as possible, and better to professionals.

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