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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Causes of Heart Palpitations at Night


Many episodes of heart palpitations that occur at night are harmless enough to go away on their own - but in some cases, it can indicate a serious illness. According to doctors, in most cases, heart palpitations are caused by strong emotions, stress, anxiety, or excessive use of stimulants. Women also often experience a higher heart rate during pregnancy.

But waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations is often very unpleasant and frightening. Why is this happening? Doctors talked about the most common reasons why a person can wake up at night with a strong heartbeat, according to the portal Steady Health.

Anxiety, stress, panics attacks. Extreme anxiety triggers the release of certain hormones - specifically cortisol, which can raise blood pressure as well as increase heart rate. A person with a pounding heart at night may be suspected of having a panic attack or a sudden and intense peak of fear. Too much alcohol. Heavy drinking can cause dehydration, impairing the ability of the heart's muscle tissue to function normally, leading to tachycardia.

A person may not realize that they are consuming a lot of caffeine, which is a natural stimulant, in a day. It is found in coffee, cocoa, tea, sodas, energy bars, and drinks. In large quantities, it can cause rapid heart rate, anxiety, nervousness.

Eating sugar, carbohydrates before bedtime. It can provoke a sharp increase in blood glucose levels and, as a response of the body, the release of a significant dose of the hormone insulin to quickly reduce it. This process can be perceived by the body as stress: at the same time, substances are released that cause an increased heart rate. In addition, high blood sugar can contribute to sweating and headaches.

Medicines. Some over-the-counter medicines (for example, used to treat coughs, colds) contain ingredients that have a stimulating effect and can affect the work of the myocardium. Medications used to treat hypothyroidism, asthma, and ADHD can also cause temporary heart rhythm disturbances.

Features of the female body. Menopauses, pregnancy, certain phases of the menstrual cycle provoke a jump in the level of certain hormones in the female body, which can lead to a rapid heartbeat.

Heart disease: The frequency of contractions becomes rapid or irregular due to pathologies developing in the heart. It can be

·         atria fibrillation,

·         heart failure,

·         Diseases of the heart valves.

All these disorders are associated with a high risk of dangerous complications, including heart attack, stroke. They must be examined, treated and monitored by doctors.

When to worry? If, in addition to palpitations, dizziness, shortness of breath, fainting, chest pain occurs, you should immediately call an ambulance.

How to treat heart palpitations? Serious treatment may not be required; lifestyle adjustments will suffice. But if, despite healthy habits and reduced stress, the episodes of heartbeat persist at night, your doctor may prescribe medication, beta-blockers, or calcium channel blockers.

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