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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Samsung young

The phone comes with a 3.50-inch touch screen display with a resolution of 320 pixels by 480 pixels at 165 pixels per inch.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What is the coldest country in the world?

Perhaps the cold we love only the beautiful nature and the possibility promёrznuv, warm up by the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate. Well, more because of the snow. Dress warmly; today we will go to the coldest country in the world.

1. Mongolia

In the winter months there remained stable and below 20, in the rest of the time the temperature rarely rises above 0. Add to this the frequent rain that reaches the Earth's surface and half frozen drops quite significantly slash cheeks. And this is only the first of the coldest countries.

The story of a forest

The bear was ugly, clubfoot and dirty animals. However, it was not kinder anybody in the whole forest. But animals only noticed his appearance on that Bear terribly offended, caught them and severely kicked. Therefore, animals did not like him. Although he was very kind. And fun. He loved the provocative jokes. For these animals the jokes it soon terribly hated and beaten. Yes, it is difficult to be in the world a kind and cheerful.

Russian church history

Ancient tradition recorded in the Russian Chronicle, said that the beginning of Christianity in Russia is necessary in the days of the Apostles the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called: passing a sermon the Gospel Thrace, Scythian and Samarian, it reached as if to Dnepr hills, where after there was Kiev, blessed and they predicted that they shine the grace of God hath Valrico be alone and the Church, many hath God to raise up.

Atlantic & its change

Scientists who study the melting ice argue that there is a great increase in the amount of floating of cold water in the Arctic Ocean that is the case suddenly penetrated the Atlantic Ocean upsetting the balance.
Fear is to influence the warm Gulf Stream which regulates the climate in North America and Europe protecting from pagosoun warming Gulf Stream current, or Gulf of Mexico is a strong, warm current which is generated in the Caribbean Sea .

Monday, November 23, 2015

What grows mushrooms in the forest?

In Belarus are growing about 2000 species of fungi. About 200 species of them edible, explained researcher at the Laboratory of Mycology of the Institute of Experimental Botany. VF Kuprevich National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Sergei Zhdanovich. Conditionally edible mushroom is a mushroom that can be eaten only after proper pretreatment. In our country grows 15 kinds of poisonous mushrooms.

The most common poisonous mushrooms include pale toadstool, Amanita viruses, Amanita mascaras, Amanita pandering, volokonnitsu blushing, lozhnoopenok sernozhelty, svinushki thin gyromitra esculent, Agarics Xanthodermus, glaring trimmed, and others. They are often confused with edible mushrooms russula, greenfinch, edible species of mushrooms, mushrooms, edible species radio.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

How to face the cold

Do not wait for the big frosts to accustom your body to the temperature change. Become a fan of the sauna and / or steam. At home, finish your daily shower with a jet of cold water. For the more adventurous, try the ice water bath for three minutes, watch in hand. Taste it ends up taking it.
The cold dries up and attacks the skin. Body oil is ideal! For the face, use a barrier cream with, for example, butter. A lipstick will protect you from cracking. It reminds you of winter sports? But, wait.
You're not on the slopes. Customers live comfort! Do not try to be elegant. No one hold it against you ... in the street. Prior to hypothermia (body temperature below 35 ° C instead of 37 ° very normal C 5), take out the fleeces, down jackets, Gore-Tex under your mitten, put a pair of silk gloves. Not to mention the cap and wool scarf .

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Human trafficking Italy is at the center of these business billionaires

In world some country has long been a favorite destination of human trafficking; a phenomenon that affects all migrants and that uses legal methods to let the victims
Rome : The trafficking of human beings is the most abhorrent form of slavery in recent years and, with a profit of tens of billions of dollars, is in third place among the international criminal phenomena, just behind drug trafficking and weapons. The human traffickers moving people by force or deception to exploit them once you arrive at your destination, but the business begins with the journey, for which whole families into debt. Then potentially the victims are all migrants, not only those traveling without documents but also those who enter legally and those who ask for refugee status.

Monday, November 2, 2015

History of French

The franc is modern belongs to the group of languages ​​called romance. Descendants of Latin, arguably these languages ​​represent living shadows of the ancient Roman empire, reflecting the divergent histories of regions formerly unified under Roman rule.

The origin of modern French (and other Romance languages) spoken version was a popular Latin that had spread by conquering Roman legions - namely, in the case of the French, in the Alpine Gaul by the armies of Julius Caesar during the previous century the birth of Christ.

Mahatma Gandhi

Perhaps future generations will not believe that a man of ordinary flesh and blood walked on this earth, - said Albert Einstein about Mahatma Gandhi. History really knows a lot of people who could change the world. But few of them carried the spirit, so foreign kingdom in this world that seemed alien from another world.

The first half of the XX century ... Instead, the kingdom of reason, freedom and justice, which people were waiting for the XIX century., An era of unprecedented violence and powerlessness.

Obama Sees Work on Race Relations as Key Part of Legacy

President Barack Obama said Monday that he hopes his legacy will include sparking a new discussion on solving issues of racial inequity, including those that warp the criminal justice system and that his successor will pick up where he left off.

One of the things that I've consistently said as president is that I'm the president of all people. I am very proud that my presidency can help to galvanize and mobilize America on behalf of issues of racial disparity and racial injustice, Obama told NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt during a visit Monday to Newark, New Jersey, to highlight efforts to help former inmates return to society.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Powerful solar storms have been ineffective

According to the observations of researchers from magnetic observatories in Tihany, Hungary, the indicators used by scientists to assess the disturbances that occur in the Earth's magnetosphere as a result of solar storms, proved ineffective in detecting some of this kind of events that threatened as power and communication systems on the planet.
Magnetic Observatory in registered powerful solar storm, while other observatories in the world that the storm did not notice. The most accurate indicators of Dst and SYM-H, currently used for the detection of solar storms, are based on averaging the data obtained using several different observatories located in different parts of the world.

The Struggles of a Hardly Successful Business: Understanding the Challenges

Starting a business is a dream for many, but the road to success is rarely smooth. Some businesses achieve rapid growth and recognition, whi...