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Monday, May 31, 2021

Commandments for a Good Business Plan


Are you going to undertake? I recommend you follow the 10 Commandments for a good Business Plan . When an entrepreneur decides to start his business idea, he perseveres with passion and creativity, until he succeeds. And you can. I do not have doubts.

Therefore, the business plan is the most recommended before crystallizing projects. With this effective tool, you will be able to plan and execute a series of strategies, to know if it is possible to specify your objectives.

So, in order to know if it is possible, the task is to make a Business Plan. It is a document in which you must present the planning and execution of the entire process of your business.

Questions, answers, and explanations of everything your business will involve. By doing so, you will be able to improve, correct and verify important aspects, which in one way or another can positively or negatively influence that idea.

In my article Do you know what a Business Plan is for? I teach you, you can find answers to all your questions, about this vitally important instrument when it comes to crystallizing or improving your company.

·         Commandments for a good Business Plan

  1. ·         Explain the objective of the business.
  2. ·         Define the problem.
  3. ·         Clarify the solution.
  4. ·         Tell your story.
  5. ·         Describe your audience.
  6. ·         Define your competition.
  7. ·         Explain your product or service.
  8. ·         Select the organizational model of your company.
  9. ·         Introduce the entrepreneurial work team.
  10. ·         Predict finances.

·         Is it complicated to make a Business Plan?

This is the typical question that many investors ask. But remember, for a good entrepreneur, obstacles do not exist, or they are minimized.

But the answer is NO. Not complicated at all. On the contrary, it is easy, because it is about presenting information that you know, that you master about your goods and / or services. Anyway, about the business you are creating.

And since it is about your business, with its own characteristics, no Business Plan will be or will resemble yours. Each one is original and unique. With a purpose and an established strategy.

A strategic route

As I explain in the article that I recommended, the business plan is a document, it is the guide that presents the strategic route that you must follow so that your business idea becomes a reality. And I tell you ... It's not difficult at all.

In short, it is an objective and organized way to start and develop a commercial, business project. Definitely the ideal tool.

And what is it for?

Well, to establish goals and objectives that are within the reach of the capabilities of each investor. In this sense, I always recommend being clear that a business plan, by itself, does not allow you to be successful.

Even if there are problems and obstacles, what will lead you to success is your effort, perseverance, perseverance, passion, creativity and determination. That way, your initiatives crystallize.

In short, it is a document that is easy. A presentation of specific points that describe your venture and its level of profitability.

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